Robot Repair Center Radio

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Robot Repair Center Radio

A simple radio station transmitting to most of the Wasteland from the robot repair center. Includes A Robotic voice DJ (20 samples) and a collection of old style music (24 songs) to match the game.

The sound quality of the radio is quite low, this is on purpose, I wanted to make it sound like its coming out of a small radio, there is also quite a lot of phasing and static effects to add to the realism.

The Robots at the robot repair center have got the old pre war robotic radio station transmitter working; they haven’t made a very good job of it though, they left in the old adverts that were advertising the sale at the time of the war and a few pre war public information propaganda adverts, also the antenna is damaged making for a weak signal with quite a lot of static, just quite how they managed to get it working again is unknown at this time.