Project Beauty - Cazy Patch

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This is a very simple patch that adds all of the Cazy and Rainy Day hairs to PC's for users who currently have Project Beauty installed. The hairs have all had their texture paths repaired, and are enable for both men and women. I have not edited any NPCs.

Project Beauty (
Cazy Hair Resource (Only the meshes and textures). (

Load Order:
Project Beauty Broken Steel .esp
Project Beauty Point Lookout .esp
----> Project Beauty - Cazy patch .esp
Mart's mutant mod - Project beauty .esp

Issues and Oddities
No issues, but during the GOAT section of the tutorial your character may spawn with a randomly chosen Cazy or Rainy Day hair. I'm not certain why. If you dislike the hair they chose, well, 16 is an awkward age for all of us.