Open bus with flickering sign and animated foldable doors
This mod adds an open bus with a flickering sign and animated foldable doors as a modders resource. The plugin contains an static bus, a destroyable bus, a foldable door and a destroyable foldable door, both with the proper animation.
This mod is a modder resource. You need the GECK to add the busses and the doors to the game. Watch the videos below for more details.
This two base objects (BBBxBusStatic and BBBxBusDoor) are useful for modders who want to create shelters or player homes. Since these busses and doors are not destroyable, which means that they will be added permanently to the landscape, it is convenient to modify the navemesh around them.
This two base objects (BBBxBusDestroyable and BBBxBusDoorDestroyable) are useful for modders who want to replace the current busses or add more busses for looting purposes. I would like to point that these busses should only be filled with pickable objects, otherwise, static or non-pickable objects, will remain in the air after destroying the bus. Since these busses and doors are destroyable, there is no need to modify the navmesh around them because if they are destroyed, the area they were occupying will be clear as occurs with the original busses.
Extract the ProperOpenBus.rar in your FO3data folder.
Since My FO3 is in Spanish, some labels can be changed randomly to Spanish. You can fix this in FO3edit.
This is a modders resource. You don't need my permission to use it. Only remember to give me the proper credit and set a link to my mod if you use it in a mod.THANKS TO
Bethesda and Nexus Community
and pixelate for his Animation Tutorials