Nu-Faces - Facial Redesign for Humans (WIP)

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The purpose of this mod is to change some of the human faces to more immersive ones, for example: Don't you hate how all the water beggars always look calm as if nothing bad was actually happening? Well, I gave them a more desperate look, as well as sun burns on their eyes and noses cause that's what happens when you're out in the sun 24/7. Also note that I haven't made drastic changes to any of the characters, they all still resemble their original faces, I just made them look better or more realistic. I will always be updating this mod, so check constantly for new faces. Yes, I take complaints in case something's looking bad. I haven't and won't redesign ghouls. Pictures will come later.

V1.01 - Added new faces; Hopefully fixed Micky's face; Reset Bryan Wilks' clothing and hair, I had changed these for another purpose that did not meet this mod's.
V2.0 - Lots of new faces; Some old faces were revised.

None, mod was made completely for vanilla, last update. Maybe I'll do the same for DLC later on.

Quick and easy NMM or FOMM.

Well, I'd stay away from any other mods that redesign the faces. Mods that change facial textures will work with this mod.