Little Lamplight Defense Overhaul
This mod extensively fortifies and reinforces the defenses of Little Lamplight.
I was always kind of.. displeased, with how Little Lamplight was "fortified." Makeshift cardboard and plywood as a gate, and to act as a barrier for cover? Not a very good defense, especially to supermutants. In real life, most ammunition, especially from rifles, will easily go right through these wooden defenses and harm the person taking cover behind it, you might as well have no cover at all. That is why I thought it would be a good idea to make this mod.
This mod adds the following:
x2 Turrets to the main gate.
x3 Turrets to the Murder Pass gate.
x9 Turrets to the locked terminal path.
A wall of sandbags on the Murder Pass gate.
Sandbags in front of each turret to give some sort of shielding from gunfire.
Supermutants are very dangerous, and if I were a Lamplighter, I'd want these defense upgrades to know I'd be safe. (I definitely wouldn't beforehand, relying on a poorly-made gate and a simple locked door that could be blown open.)
I don't consider this lore-breaking, as the Lamplighters could trade items to create these turrets, or even steal the parts. Sandbags? It's a wasteland, there is sand & cloth everywhere, perfect for making a barrier to protect the guards by the entrances.
I have cleaned this mod with FO3Edit already.
I've found none so far. If you discover any bugs, please let me be aware of them. Some of the turrets may have trouble firing at certain angles, however I've adjusted them as best I could.
Drop the Data folder into your Fallout 3 directory.
Delete the LamplightDefenses.esp