Grim Reaper
**As the war broke out death and destruction swept over the wasteland, taking no prisoners, Death of every form had covered the land.
The Reaper had full control of every corner he could reach, but when the forces of good came after the Reaper, it was time for him to pull out the big guns. One shotgun that shoots skulls with immediate take down in flames and a pistol that fires the breathe of the reaper.both guns are coal black
In an epic battle the Reaper was defeated but took many souls with him and left behind in his departure the tools to carry on his work. This was not by choice however, he lost the weapons as he was banished. He has sent his warriors to find them and they now roam the land in search of his most prized firearms.
Will you fight the urge to run amok through the waste? Or will you surrender to its power?
Will you Claim the twin guns of Death itself and become a warrior for good or evil? Oh, but there is also a middle path. If you choose to walk that road then recite the scroll that lays at your feet right now on your knees and before you pick up the guns.
If your intentions are pure you will anger Death itself when you pick them up and every time you choose to use them. You will hear his anger in the air.
You bend over and pick up the parched scroll before you and begin to read:**
And Shepherds we shall be
For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti.
With this, the scroll crumbles in your hands.
Did it work? Only your deeds from this moment on will tell...
A very special and grateful thanks to The Vampire Dante for finishing this page and making it presentable and plz Endorsement if u like