Essential Amy Wong companion Modmod
The Amy Wong Companion Mod introduces a number of NPCs to the wasteland and are set to essential, and are thus unkillable. Some of these NPCs attack you on sight. All of them can easily kill your character because they are simply invincible. This modmod for the Amy Wong Companion mod changes that. First, an introduction to the NPCs that are unkillable.
The Jacko Mercenary leaders: Fernanda Anna, Jocelyn Justina, Lynette Azalea, and Leola India.
These NPCs don't really have a story behind them, so there is no real reason to have them set as essential. Sometimes they find you and attack you and it is annoying that fighting back means nothing. Next time you meet them, it will be a fair fight.
Jacko Mercenary leaders: Set to non-essential
The merchant, Silvia Breindel.
A merchant with a foul mouth and a New York accent. Maybe you decided to teach her some manners, but she killed you instead. Not only is she unkillable, but she has a gun that knocks enemies down 100% of the time. Nothing (except you) in the wasteland can beat her, even if she was unessential.
Silvia Breindel: Keeps the gun but set to non-essential (you can get her gun if you kill her, but it is just a normal gun when your character uses it)
Two unnamed hunters
There are two unnamed hunters that follow Silvia Breindel around, kill things in the wasteland, and give the loot to Silvia Breindel to sell (that is how Silvia Breindel always has so much product). If you encounter these guys and decide to fight them, well, same as the others, they can't die.
Two unnamed hunters: Set to non-essential, but set to respawn after a while so they can still service Silvia Breindel if she is alive.
INSTALLATION: Unzip, and drop amywongmodmod.esp into data folder, click in FOMM. Put amywongmodmod.esp last in load order.
UNINSTALL: Unclick amywongmodmod.esp in FOMM, then delete amywongmodmod.esp in data folder.
Requires use of Amy Wong Companion Mod. Affects nothing except the Amy Wong Companion Mod, so is compatible with everything AWCM is,
This is the update to my last mod, Amy Wong companion Modmod - Kill Silvia Breindel. Just delete that mod and use this one instead.