Car Fort City Gamesave

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Car Fort City Gamesave


(Please maximize this readme to see everything properly)

THIS IS NOT A MODDED GAMESAVE. The 2 things that separate this gamesave from yours is that the only attribute I have changed is to increase the player's carryweight from 210 to 260 and that the character is my female character I have created. Once you finish the tuturial quests and leave vault 101 you can change whatever characteristics you want.
-UPDATE- The only other things I have changed are adding console only weapons, items and clothing which you can obtain only through the console such as Butch's Toothpick and Clover's Cleaver.
-UPDATE- While trying to increase the sentry and metro protectron bots stats, I accidentally messed up some of the stats of the player including melee and unarmed damage. I fixed them so they should cause no more problems. If there are any problems, let me know so I can fix them and update the gamesaves. The base Melee damage is about 2 while the base unarmed damage is also 2.
-LAST UPDATE- The only modded gamesaves are the ones listed in the Car Fort City Essential file and the readme explains what all has been changed. They are modded reasonably and with the exception of the carryweight being set to 5000 for 2 of the gamesaves.

I have edited this gamesave completely from within the game and have not used Geck at all which is a challenge as I am trying to now learn how to script certain characters and animals without having to use Geck to add in .esp packages. By the 4+ day into this, I've used Geck to help me locate the scriptpackages necessary for the NPC's, creatures and enemies. Without Geck, I don't know if I could have gotten to where I am with these gamesaves today.

If anyone is willing to help me here, I'd appreciate it greatly. I am more proficent now with scripting, but I'm afraid that I still can't script the way I want to. I have experimented with adding them to the players faction but that seems to cause issues with animals because normally after the 4th shot they turn violent (there's a way to fix it, just increase the number of hits a friendly can take before turning into an enemy). The whole reason i even added default enemies and animals is to use them for target practice in my camp. So make sure you save before killing them as they DO NOT RESPAWN AT ALL (for now anyway)

My camp btw is located at the Abandoned Car fort which I assume will cause issues with any mods that add or change that particular area. I have modified that area and the surrounding area and will continue to do so in the future. I have started out small but will go back and make it bigger and better for all of you to have fun with. [I will add multiple gamesaves so that you can choose which gamesave you will want to use, starting from the original one, to the one where I add the stuff I have taken back to their original place, to a completely new game where you start in my fort in the abandoned car fort]. As far as the camp goes, I have added pictures for you guys so you can see what all I have done in this gamesave. The additions to the camp itself are listed below.

  • a tent has been added with 1 gun storage container
    1 storage container(and file cabinet)
    1 chemical set(as seen in the player home in megaton)
    1 med station(as seen in the player home in megaton)
    1 bobblehead place to store your bobblehead collection(as seen in the player home in megaton)
    1 bed(as seen in the player home in megaton)
    1 table with 2 chairs(as seen in the player home in megaton)
    Wadsworth(as seen in the player home in megaton)
    a few other objects such as dust, working lights, a desk, the drapes you find in moriarta's bar that cover the entrance of the tent

  • 1 merchant in the middle of the camp (will add an open bar and a possibly a surgeon later)

  • 3 cool lookouts where you can go up to and chill out while you either keep a lookout or where you can goto to shoot down at the enemies that are cooped up within fenced in areas

  • 2 hidden rocks scattered around with goodies in it which you need to find yourself (to help encourage you to explore the area) (I plan on adding more secret areas especially once I learn how to script doors and buildings can be entered)

  • As for the secret areas, one of them has brotherhood armor, a dogtag and a weapon, one has regular powerarmor and the last has Vance's
    Longcoat and his sword (which is normally obtained by console only). I will add more console obtained weapons and items later with the next release.

  • an enclave bot and a radio close by that plays the enclave radio next to a smoking cigarette holder and another radio that plays the 3-dog radio-station on top of a nearby sandbag barrier.

  • an empty shooting gallery (which I plan on adding targets to like respawnable bottles or something that you can shoot down)

  • misc. items such as stop signs, ramps, a bike, sink, trashcans, and other objects like them

  • Added more weapons, armor and even some cash for you to find. So go out there and explore. You might like what you'll find.

  • Added a bar with stools

  • Added more lookouts, ladders and other places to climb.

  • I have had to take out the 2 NPC guards (from Moira's store in Megaton) because even though the scriptpackages worked, they stopped working when you exited the game and then started back up again at your last save and I think it's because the ref is tied to a different area than where my character is currently at; Car Fort City aka the Abandoned Car Fort. I have not found a single way past this except by replacing them with sentry bots and metro protectrons and using the scriptpackage from deputy weld outside of Megaton. In short I raised up all of the robots health by 500 (except for the enclave eyebot in the middle of the city)

  • I've added a shelf, toolbox, a bench, and an actual gate (from paradise falls) that works to keep enemies out. Also forgot to mention earlier that I added an emergency shelter with a small suprise waiting inside

  • I've added creatures (hurray finally) including a Super Mutant Behemoth. Didn't use anything outside of the setrestrained 1 command.

  • Added 2 skill books for you to find and some pre-war books as well.

  • Left more weapons and items lying out for you to snag both serving as decoration and as oversized "paperweights".

  • Added dust effects from one of the Rivet City's rooms (basically the fumy dust which in real life would cause you lung cancer)

  • Also added buses (which can be moved, but are hard to) along with fences to help keep the enemies and creatures in.

  • Added 2 wasteland captives (which I put them into a cage together since I can't figure out how to make them crouch)

  • resurrected nearby animals which I killed early on when putting this city together and forgot about.

  • lowered some of the stats because they were a little too high.

  • Took out 2 cars in the back of the city and replaced them with another gate and added a ramp outside to make it easier to enter the base.

  • Added a tub, toilet and urinal to one of the lookout spots

  • Added a random matress on top of the tent.

  • Added one of the small campers near the caged captives with another matress in it as well as cigarettes and a nuka cola somewhere nearby.

  • Added a hunter next to a firepit and a brahmin roasting on a spit (There are real survival mods out there which I added solely for that reason)


  • None besides Fallout 3 or Fallout 3 GOTY edition that I know of as this is an actual gamesave which I have modified completely from the console with the exception of the Abandoned car fort which I believe will either cause issues or look funny when you add mods that change that area to this gamesave.


  • This isn't so much an issue but more of a scripting issue which I have no control over and that is that you can't talk to Wadsworth or use the
    bobblehead station till after you deactivate the bomb from within Megaton (I have no idea what would happen if you detonate the bomb and went to 10 Penny Tower instead).
    The only reason why I've blown up Megaton was just to see the explosion and how big it really was.

  • Might be some NavMesh issues where your followers might not be able to follow you. That's the main reason why I haven't added anything like the Bomb
    from Megaton because something that large would block the followers from being able to follow without getting stuck.

  • A new bug I have found is that the bobblehead station doesn't work even when you have defused the bomb in megaton and have purchased (and visited) your home.
    That's a scripting issue which I currently don't know how to fix.
    -UPDATE- I figured out what the issue was. Since the bobblehead station in the Car Fort City is the same exact copy of the one in the player's house within Megaton, all the bobbleheads that you place in the one outside are automatically transferred to the bobblehead station in the player home. Since I can't do any scripting like that in the gamesave, that's just one bug that I won't be able to fix unless I create a .ESP file for that specific problem.
    I'm truly sorry about that since I was so hoping to be able to just see my bobblehead collection outside. Remember I'm using these gamesaves for myself and that I'm not just creating them for you guys only.

  • Right now, it's impossible to add any followers which you can hire because that breaks the 1 script limit for the default Fallout3 GOTY edition. Sorry guys, I've tried my best but so far, nothing short of an NPC/ enemy/ creature being stuck with the setrestrained 1 command or the addscriptpackage 9defb for the robots will work. For the
    record, I have no idea why that particular scriptpackage actually sticks but I'm extremely grateful as the robot guards only take off when there's an enemy around and stop
    when they kill it or drive it off from the immediate area.

  • Not really an issue, but trying to cage up the enclave bot in the center of the camp is proving to be futile so I'm not even going to try anymore. I've used the
    setrestrained 1 command on it, so it's not going anywhere, but I feel it's worth mentioning in case you wanted to do something with it. HOWEVER for some reason sometimes
    the robots guarding the main entrance will fire upon the eyebot and destroying it completely. It's a scripting issue that I also have no control over as it apparently resets
    itself over time. Might cause issues in the future when you goto DLC's and come back only to see it MIA.

  • A slight clipping issue I've noticed when leaving the entrance (with the gate now) with the pile of rubble I've added to help prevent you from falling down between the
    broken highway is that it sticks out too much. I'm leaving it because it phsysically isn't causing any issues and when viewed from underneath is transparent. If you want to
    fix this up for yourself, go for it. I've spent a week on these gamesaves and I'm sick of them to be honest.

-Not a bug but still worth mentioning. The mercenary in Moira's shop in Megaton is set for essential.

  • A slightly annoying bug is that one of the wasteland captives has sunken through the floor. Or at least I think so. Haven't found her yet, but I can see the marker showing that she is in the immediate area of the pen.

What to expect in the Future:

Future expansions, plans and upgrades

  • Since I'm learning how to script and to add scripts to the game completely from within the game itself via console, I plan on scripting more and more items, doors and enemies to make this a better, a more interactive and more fun place to be at. Basically a self-sustaining place for you to chill out at while on break from the other quests you are currently working on. As of right now, the only scripts I have manually added are scripts for the enemies to stand still and to not respond to anyone attacking AS WELL AS the mercenaries (which I believe will interfere with their ability to reactive to anyone hostile trying to enter the base. Don't worry the separate camp with the fenced-in enemies are further down away from the main camp so you can rest on your bed without interference)
    -UPDATE- IF THIS can be done, I will need to create a .ESP file for the actual cities, NPC's...etc; scripts which will require FOSE to work. If this happens (which
    you can safely assume so) I'm giving you a warning in advance for you to get FOSE.

  • Want to add a captive for you to either rescue or to shoot (This is for some of the mods out there which allow you to recruit generic NPC's to follow you)

  • Will add another open destroyed building (like the ones the raiders use in the wilderness or in downtown DC or the houses you sometimes find that have been fortified in the
    -UPDATE- This won't happen till I create a .ESP package as I'm about run out of space and will need to make adjustments.

  • My biggest goal for this gamesave is to turn this abandoned car fort into a Car Fort City basically with it's own attractions, buildings, citizens and basically to become a city, not just a place to hangout at...
    -UPDATE- This won't happen till I create a .ESP package since major scripting and space issues currently exist.

What Not to expect (because it requires more than 1 scriptpackage to function or because I can't find the right one)

  • to add scripts to the enemies so they roam without going through the fences (will happen if you remove the script setrestrained 1)

  • Will add guards as hireable companions (Currently not be possible as the scripts themselves don't determine what the NPC will say to you. Often when the NPC or animal
    comes up and talks to you, it's blank which is not a scriptpackage issue but a dialogue issue attached for that particular NPC/ creature)

  • buildings and area spaces which you can enter (will require scripted doors which I don't know how to create or to copy yet)

  • Will add in caged creatures and enemies for target practice (might not be smart to mess with this beyond using the setrestrained 1 command because you're not just messing
    with that particular creature but all the creatures and the copies of that creature out in fallout 3 and you don't want to end up breaking your game. IE; you don't want an
    invincible Super Mutant Brute coming after you)

  • No bartenders as there seems to be no default barkeepers within the game and the wasteland merchant is just fine. If you want food, just go buy some at Megaton.

  • Don't expect any more targets as there is like no more room left until I come out with the .ESP file that supports this gamesave and adds a building with both fake and
    real targets to shoot at. (Might even be able to create pop-up targets which would be extremely cool with a point system which would give you a sweet prize if you get a
    certain number of points. This is a lofty goal but worth trying to create.)

  • Don't expect any quests to be made as again scripting issues are present and there won't be any till I create an actual .ESP file to compliment my gamesave(s) with everything
    I am currently unable to add into it.

Doubtful I will work on these any longer

  • I plan on adding friendly turrets to help guard both entrances (Doubtful as I have both Sentry and Metro Protectron Bots guarding both entrances)

  • Adding any wasteland surgeons as they are random encounter spawns which would probably cause issues as they might get killed and respawn as something else OR if you goto one
    of the DLC areas and come back to find that changed to something else. However when I create the .ESP file rest assured, there will be a surgeon in it..

  • Adding any kids or any other NPC's as the scriptpackages stop working when reloading the game. (The Robots work thankfully due to the addscriptpackage 9defb
    MegDeputySteelSandbox package which sets the robots on permanent guard duty)

  • There's a half badly burned van that I plan on leaving empty until I create that .ESP package which will turn it into a look out with an armed guard. (Out in that particular
    general direction is a spawning area for fire ants which the guard would be perfect for. Also sometimes the Mirelurks will circle around from the rear to that spot as well.)


Version 2
So I was wrong, this is probably the final gamesave. Made some pretty major changes to the gamesave. Added a Hunter, a roasting Brahmin, cigeretts, prewar dollars, a camper, toilet, urinal, tub, another gate for the rear of the fort which makes it even more easier to enter as well as to secure the base. Added captives in a fenced in area (tried to add in a guard, but like I said, the scripts stop working once the game reloads; will experiment on robots later to see if they'll make for being better guards to keep others from setting the captives free from inside the gate) and locked the gates at a level 60 (hard) difficulty.
Version 1.5
Final Gamesave update for now. Added another gamesave to be used as a Modder's Resource in case you want to mess around with a copy for your mod. Again all I ask is that you tell me what you're going to do and to generally give me credit for the work that I've poured into this.
I have taken out the NPC guards as all the scriptpackages would disappear when you exited fallout 3, started it back up and reloaded your gamesave. Replaced the guards with more bots, increased both their health and their effectiveness. I have also added in more creatures including a Super Mutant Behemoth.
Version 1.40
Major editing done with the NPC Guards and added more enemies for target practice.
Version 1.30
(Not released) As I have goofed up and forgot to replace the correct gamesaves with the updated versions and instead used outdated ones. Only minor things like placement of furniture and scriptpackages for the NPC's and robots in the camp.
Version 1.20
I have split off the two gamesaves in case you want one or the other. Other changes include- adding a bar + 3 stools, more weapons, ammo, armor and cash as well as more cool places to look out at as well as to climb.
Version 1.10
I have updated the Descriptions, the Readme and the gamesaves themselves.
Version 1.00
The initial 2 gamesaves- 1.fos is my current gamesave that I have modded. A level 8 female character and moveto1cfb8.fos being the gamesave that starts at the beginning


All this is my own work and unless someone helps me with this, all the credit goes to me for the work and Bethsada for creating this wonderful game.
If you want to use this within your mod, contact me first.