Riding Gear - Automatic Outfit Swapper

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DOODMarine and khaganmv

What the Mod Does:
Equips an Equipment-EX Wardrobe outfit you create in-game whenever you get on a motorcycle. Your old clothes will be reequipped when you get off the motorcycle (or are thrown off in crashes).

**How to Use:**Create an outfit in the Equipment-EX wardrobe and name it "RIDING GEAR". This name is how the script determines what outfit to equip. Jump on a motorcycle and ride away.

This mod may conflict with other mods that update your equipped wardrobe items. This mod accomplishes a similar goal to Auto-Equip Motorcycle Helmets and Goggles. Please only use either that mod or this one. Do not use both together.

Thank you to khaganmv for assistance with creating this mod. His original Auto-Equip Motorcycle Helmets and Goggles is what inspired me to create this.