Reed's Glasses - Archive XL

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Installation and Use
To install: drag-and-drop folders from download to your Cyberpunk2077 directory.

A text file of codes are included in the download, but you can also get them with my Virtual Atelier.

Known Issues
Archive XL 1.10.3+ is a HARD REQUIREMENT! This mod uses dynamic variants, as such, some unexpected behavior may occur.

I highly recommend equipping with Equipment EX, as it will avoid some issues.

  • Currently not compatible in 3rd person on motorcycles (Unless equipped with Equipment EX)
  • Currently not compatible with Spawn V from AMM (Unless equipped with Equipment EX)
  • May not appear in photomode if the player is currently or has recently experienced a relic malfunction. If they do not appear, please exit   photomode and try again

Silver and gold are reflective and respond a lot to the environment which may appear black or not the correct color in inadequate lighting.

Mirrored lenses will appear the most vibrant with ray-traced reflections turned on in settings.
ACM (Appearance Creator Mod)
If you'd like to use ACM to add the glasses onto your NPC, the file path is the following:
bc_reed_glasses\meshes\w_reed_head_highest.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\w_reed_head_lowest.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\w_reed_pulled.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\w_reed_face.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\m_reed_head.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\m_reed_head_highest.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\m_reed_head_lowest.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\m_reed_pulled.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\m_reed_face.mesh bc_reed_glasses\meshes\w_reed_head.mesh
Appearance name: <lens>_<frame>
Example: sepia_gold , darkred_reed , pinkmirrored_white, mediumtint_black

No permission needed to package with an NPV/NPC+, just please do not re-upload the mod on its own or claim as your own.

Credits & Thanks
HUGE thanks to Dr Presto for the auto-icon script you shaved off so much time, bless.

Big big thanks to all my models who joined me at the Black Sapphire (─‿‿─)♡
Ace - Winks - Nippie - TheViridianBunny - Lucky38 - TeaCupFairy - desertpirate77 - Shaundi452 - S.A - Nola Dreamer - viggorrah - elf.jpeg

Thank you to the Wolvenkit devs, and psiberx for the AXL/Equipment EX/Tweaks framework. <3