Quest Untracker (Obsolete as of 2.0)

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As of the 2.0 game update, untracking quests is now finally included in the base game, so this MOD is no longer needed!

I'll leave the mod here, for anyone not using patch 2.0 (for whatever reason), but there will be no further updates.

With this mod you can untrack your current quest. This removes several user interface (HUD) elements:

  • The quest tracker below the minimap.

  • The quest icon in the world.

  • The route to the quest on the minimap.

When you're just roaming in the open world you don't need all this clutter. With this mod you can get rid of it! :)

How to Use
Set up a hotkey, and use this key to untrack the quest when you want. If you want to track a quest again, select it in the Journal and track it like you always can.

When a quest updates, or a new quest gets added, it will be tracked by default (by the game). Just press they hotkey again to untrack it when needed.

How to Install

  • Install Cyber Engine Tweaks, and configure the GUI hotkey for that mod. (If you haven't done so already.)

  • Install this mod via Vortex. (Or manually, if you really want, just copy the ZIP contents to your Cyberpunk directory.)

  • NOTE: When installing via Vortex make sure to use Hard Link Deployment (under Settings, Mods, Deployment Method), or the mod won't work. See 3rd screenshot for details.

  • Open the Cyber Engine Tweaks GUI using the hotkey you configured, set up a new hotkey for this mod and don't forget to Save! See 2nd screenshot for details.

Controller Support?!?
Sadly Cyber Engine Tweaks doesn't have native support to use controller buttons as hotkeys, so you'll have use a keyboard button. But if you really want to (I do! :)), you can still get this working with a controller, it just takes a little more work and an external program. Rough steps (using an Xbox controller):

  • Install JoyToKey

  • Create a new profile for Cyberpunk 2077

  • On Joystick 1 tab, button 10 (=right analog stick), Edit button assignment, Special, SHIFT function to Joystick 2.

  • On Joystick 2 tab, POV <- (left) button, Edit button assignment, Keyboard basic, enter the same hotkey you configured for the mod in the Cyber Engine Tweakes GUI into the yellow field.

  • Leave the program open (you can minimize to tray) and go back to the game.

  • Press and hold the right analog stick, and press D-Pad Left to trigger the mod.

  • Not the easiest controller buttons, but most of the buttons are in use already, and you don't have to use it that often. :)

  • You can try to use other buttons combinations, or if you have a controller with additional buttons, use those.

This mod is compatible with the excellent Limited HUD mod. I definitely recommend to use that one as well.
Should also be compatible with pretty much everything else.

Note on similar mods
There are a couple of other mods on the Nexus that do something like this, but one is not compatible with patch 1.3+ and the other requires you to manually pause/unpause the game each time you use the hotkey. This mod fixes both things.

Note on Vortex Hardlink Deployment
Hardlink Deployment is also recommended/required by Cyber Engine Tweaks itself, see their Description page. In some cases you can get away with Symlink, but if any CET based mods are using LUA require statements, like this mod, it breaks. So use Hardlink Deployment! :)

Credits and thanks to:

  • Cyber Engine Tweaks team for making this relatively easy!
  • psiberx for the CET LUA Kit
  • and to Dravic and WillyJL for the previous mods, that gave me the idea and the pointers on how to do it.