Jackie Memorial

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[It was brought to me that the spray might not be mean after all :) So I change this here a bit.]

Everyone who likes Jackie, wishes him to be remembered in the way he deserves, so Wash and I made this wunderful memorial for him.  

Its a simple replacer that switches out the text spray with the picture I made. 
It replaces ALL of them, so you might find this spray in the most random spaces, just to be warned! 

The 4 best location got a little special treatment from me, and are now a place in which you can interact with the candles to light them for your best choom.
Its all vanilla stuff so you won't need any prop pack or what so ever. 

In the folder are the 4 special locations so you don't have to go to look for them. 

In the night, the candles are a biiiiit too strong and might burn away your eyes, but it looks perfect at day. The locations are in the shadows so it always looks good. 

Zip contains: Replacer, decor preset, locations for the sprays that got decoration

How to install.archive file goes here: Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
Location file goes here: Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\AppearanceMenuMod\User\Locations
Decor Preset goes here: Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\AppearanceMenuMod\User\Decor

to uninstall just delete the .archive file and you'e good :) 

♥ Special thanks ♥

Thank you again, Wash, for helping me and going with my crazy ideas ♥