Disable Dialogue Keys
**Disable Dialogue Keys
v2**Disables W S Q E keybinds from the Dialogue selection.
Disable W+S
Disable Q+E
Disable W+S+Q+E
1)Download and install with Vortex
1)Download the file extract with 7zip/WinZip
2)Drag and drop the**"r6"**file into your cyberpunk directory, the folder can be found below.
- **GOG>**Drive Letter*GOG Galaxy\Cyberpunk 2077*
- Steam> *D**rive Letter\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077*
- **Epic>***Drive Letter\Epic\Cyberpunk 2077*
Check Out Our Collections
This mod was made for our Nexus Collection City of Dreams
**My other mods.
- **City of Dreams Menu Backgrounds**
- **City of Dreams Loading Screens**
- Edgerunner 2077 AI UPSCALE & GRAPHICS
- **Intro Video (Remastered)**
- **Edgerunner Braindance (Remastered)**
- **Pachinko Palor (Remastered)**
- **Main Menu Splash Screens (Remastered)**
- **Character Selection Screen**(Remastered)****
- **Splash Screen**(Remastered)****
- **Loading Screens**(Remastered)****
- **Unlock Fov**
- **Render Distance Tweak**
VEHICLES***** **v2's Customs - Colby Little Mule**
- v2's Customs - Rayfield Caliburn 450 Mph CLOTHING & WEAPONS
- v2's City of Dreams Ultimate Atelier 2.0 (Virtual Atelier)
- **v2's City of Dreams (Virtual Atelier)**