If you're anything like me you need an outfit for every occasion.
Stealth? Need something dark.
Merc Work? Pockets at least...
The final showdown? A fit to be reckoned with!
Up until Cyberpunks Edgerunners Update, we've had to contend with dressing like a toddler on a bad acid trip. No wonder Johnny can't take us seriously...
Now with 6 slots in the wardrobe for customised outfits, seperate from the armour pieces you wear, we can deck ourselves out in fresher drip than Goku (provided you find the right kit!)
But who has the time? Not me! I'd rather set up six saves with a truckload of clothes ready to go from (nearly) day 1, and then share it with the lovely folks on the internet!
Introducing -
Six saves, Male and Female V for each of the lifepaths (Nomad, Streetkid, Corpo). All saves are the start of Act 1, waking up in V's appartment the morning after the prologue. This is the earliest V has access to their wardrobe, stash and apartment features.
Using the console via Cyber Engine Tweaks, I've added a HUUGGEE list of clothing items in the stash (a list is contained in the folder for users). Not just clothes, I've added two lots of silences, some weapons in the stash (mostly pistols) and a couple of VITAL melee weapons.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND - I made these saves based on how I like to play, the clothes I like to wear. There's a great variety to choose from for most clothing slots but keep in mind they don't have every item.
Also no modded clothes. If an item you want is missing I recommend using the console from Cyber Engine Tweaks, finding the item you like and using command -
Game.AddToInventory("Items.XXX", 1)
Or go hunting in the open world for the drip you want.
Some clothes included with this mod are - David's Jacket, Johnny's clothes (pants and boots too), all pozer and bomber jackets, epilogue clothing, fixer, techie and cop sets, unique items inlcuding the Afterlife Netrunner outfit and much more!
Manual Download, 7ZIP, WINRAR or another compressor/unpacking programme is needed (obvs...)
Not tested this but I guess copying and pasting the desired save into your Cyberpunk's save folder. I use Steam for me this path was -
'%userprofile%\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077'
Search it if unsure. Likewise for users on GOG or others.
WARNING! There is a chance loading a save will result in unlocking the 'Breathtaking' achievement (Collect all items that once belonged to Johnny Silverhand).
If you want to earn this legit this mod may put that at risk.
If you're worried about prologue behaviour, don't be. I enacted each appropriate to the lifepath and was nice to Jackie (lad deserves it!)
No cars have been added via mods (see cyber engine tweaks and commands to change that yourself)
When using these commands the quality and mods applied to each armour peice was random, I have no control over the kind of armour usable in the stash.
Johnny's Pistol is also in the stash, the icon is a bit bugged showing a bulky power revolver instead.
No other mods are attatched here, I'm still using vanilla CP2077 so you're good to go.
IMPORTANT - if you copy and paste all the saves over at once, the THUMBNAIL will tell you which gender you're loading into.
Nomad = Surfboard
Streetkid= Window
Corpo = PC Monitor
Male = Left Side
Female = Right Side.
Simple! Left side monitor? Male Corpo. Right side window? Female Streetkid.
XYZ is missing, can you add it pls???
No. Well...maybe, depends if I really like the item. Otherwise CET console.
I don't like XYZ, can you remove it pls???
Something you don't like? Don't use it.
How can I change V's appearance?
Ripper at Kabuki marketplace can do it right after you meet Vik. Dex can wait.
Female voice on male V? Vice Versa?
That's six more presets, prologues, stashes and saves. I no longer have the time sadly.
Your saves aren't showing up?
Honestly don't know if they will or not, no idea why they wouldn't and no idea how to fix it if they don't.
Zero! Should be anyway...
Now get out there and do it to em...after all, in Night City, looks are everything.
awpsoleet for the mod CYBER ENGINE TWEAKS
and the CDPR devs.