Cyberpunk Ultra Plus Better Path Tracing and Stutter Hotfix

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SammiLucia and Xerme

**>>>> Now working with CP 2.11 and CP 2.12 and CP 2.12a 😊 <<<<


Need help on how to install?
Follow the steps of this video:  Click here**

About Ultra+

Ultra+ has 3 goals:

  • Fix engine bugs (stutters, crashes, etc.)
  • Significantly improve performance
  • Significantly improve visuals

This is the CP version of the mod from the series: Hogwarts LegacyRoboCop: Rogue City,  and Jedi Survivor. It started with me trying to play these games and getting annoyed with performance issues, and with areas visuals could have been improved but weren't.

They are not like ini / engine mod you've used before, and require in-depth knowledge of game engines. I often put engines into modes the devs haven't enabled or possibly don't know about.

What it does specifically

  • *New Now fixes AMD path tracing smearing and craziness (start with PT20 Fast or Balanced and lmk how you go in Posts)

  • *New performance hack outdoorsoptionally auto-disables PT spatial sampling outdoors for free FPS (enable Real Turbo in Ultra Control)

  • Improves path tracing performance by 30-40% (PT20 Fast vs. vanilla 2.12)

  • *New Improves path tracing performance for PT21 by 15-30%(enable PT21 Real Turbo in Ultra Control)

  • *New Almost completely fixes edge-noise (disocclusion noise) especially on skin and hair

  • Enables path tracing plus normal raytracing ("RT+PT" — a higher quality RT mode with added PT bounce lighting at a cost ofonly a few FPS

  • Improves visual detail of path tracing

  • Improves object pop-in (streaming) in most situations

  • Fixes crushed blacks by expanding lower histogram

  • Fixes stutters, crashes, and out of vram problems with the vanilla game on ≤12GB cards

  • Fixes frame timing

  • Fixes flickering steam

  • Enables colour integration of particles into path tracing, so smoke, steam, sparks, electricity, are influenced by the scene and light the PT scene

  • Increase LOD bias to improve the look of DLSS/FSR (set "Allow negative LODs" in your GPU control panel — Insane, 16GB and 24GB ini files only)

  • Enables ambient occlusion on eyeballs 🤷‍♀️

  • *New Reworks hair in path tracing so it looks more realistic in full sun, indoor lit and unlit areas, etc.

  • Adjusts skin for path tracing and ray tracing with (RT and RT+PT only)

  • Reduces Fresnel (reflections at an angle like on wet grass) on weapons, plants, skin for path tracing (RT and RT+PT only)

  • Fixes bright/white transparent materials (glasses/bottles/cabinets/windows) around the place with PT enabled

  • Increases shadow details everywhere for raytracing and non-raytracing

"This is seriously black magic, I just popped the ones I wanted in and now my game runs with no stutters and it has path tracing???? I lost like 5-8 FPS but now it looks amazing and runs amazing??? 
Wish more people could see this like front row and center, this should just ship with the game."

— rowdyydave

"Insanely clean and beautiful visuals with a legit performance improvement!? This mod is pure magic. Thank you, sammilucia."
— WahWahWahh

"Umm... something happened to my game...
It's actually looking like I expected the game to look when I bought it. 😄"

— theCyanideXWhat it looks like?

Many thanks to KrushSG for the effort to create this video. In it you can appreciate the differences of the most recent versions and an installation guide.**
Ultra+ RTPT v1.3 (a lot of bugs fixed since then). Thank you to Krush SG 😊

Ultra+ v1.1.2. Thank you to Bang4BuckPC Gamer 😊

Comparison shots

A huge thank you to HenryPDT for doing these! ❤️(these are older versions of Ultra+ now, but that's my fault! 😊)


Which VERSION should I choose, choom?

Which TYPE should I choose?

"As fast as possible while still looking good" — As I can make the game, while still targeting similar or better than vanilla visual quality. Often 30-40% faster than vanilla. Fast versions are a combination of changes and tweaks to the engine (in the case of CP, frame timing, memory, and modifications to PT and RT).

"The full mod. The perfect balance between performance and visual quality"— Any performance gains I make, I usually put towards quality, so I target "about the same" performance as vanilla, but with significant visual improvements.

"Give me more visuals, but respect FPS" — Generally targeted at 3080+ and 7800+ series cards. I push visuals as high as possible without hurting FPS unnecessarily. Great for people who have powerful GPUs and want the best visuals but still high FPS.

"DO IT 😎" — Visual quality is number one. Targeted at people who are highly sensitive to PT noise, YouTubers, and people who like to go "oooh... aaaah...". Both NRD and RR look amazing. I still target 60-80 fps on a 4090, and almost all noise is gone. You can disable PT Turbo to get even higher visuals outdoors if need be.


  • Choose a type— PT20 ... PT21 ... RT only ... RT+PT ... (see the chart above)

  • Copy your GPU vram — Copy the INI to Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config\platform\pc\ — This configures vram and frame timing for more reliable/smoother streaming

  • Copy one Ultra+ type (see list above) — Copy the INI to Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config\platform\pc\

  • Make sure there are no old versions of Ultra+ ini files — You should now have one GPU ini and one Ultra+ ini

  • (Recommended but not required) copy Ultra+ Control (which is a bin folder) to Cyberpunk 2077. Thislets you control Ultra+ and the engine (requires CET)

  • (Recommended for any PT but not required) Update the DLSSD dll (see folder 4 for instructions)

  • If you are using GITS**** and are not on a 4090 — I strongly recommend giving priority to Ultra+ for better performance. By default the Ultra+ ini starts with a tilde (~) and will take priority

  • (Optional) use DLSSTweaks and the ini provided with Ultra+mod to switch DLSS to Preset A for path tracing, it reduces the noise quite significantly. NOTE: I don't bother with this anymore, it's here for those who still want to tweak to the Nth 😊

  • (For Insane versions, NVIDIA only) Ensure "Allow negative LOD bias" is enabled in your GPU settings

  • See the sticky Post for the latest errata, fixes, and notes, especially if you have <=12GB vram

  • (Optional) Delete CChromaEditorLibrary64.dll in bin\x64 if you don't have a Razer device, it doesn't do anything and can cause problems

  • Cake time! 😊

NOTE: Be aware that mods like Adaptive Graphics Quality, More Graphics Options, Developer Tools, and Developer Extras can force-override important settings and will break things if you're not expecting that.

If you have any problems, great wins, let me know in Posts. I don't check bugs nor DMs (if you want to reach me, you'll work out how, you're clever).

Frequently Asked Questions
My game is crashing or looks bad
Spoiler:  ShowPlease see the sticky post in Posts, item #1. All the latest information is always here, in all my mods.
**Why do I need ini files and a CET tool?**Spoiler:  ShowThe short answer is, because Cyberpunk 2077 becomes unstable when I send it CET commands after the game has launched. I would much prefer to have a single CET tool that does everything for you, but unfortunately the instability is CP's. As an example, some of the commands I was using fine in CP 2.02–2.11, now crash the game in CP 2.12x. The ini files are simply a method of starting the game in a certain mode without having to send it too many CET commands. Keep in mind, it's not really CDPR's fault, Ultra+ is like another piece of software that's taking control of parts of the game engine, which CDPR is probably not expecting. I could argue they should have better error handling, but the reality is nobody has perfect error handling. The other problem is, even if I get a CET-only version stable in one version of the game, there's a very good chance it won't be stable in the next patch, and it could be anything causing the instability. So it's not like CET where they can run script to update the endpoints/addresses, I would have to bifurcate all the possible causes by hand. So I've taken the approach the ini is the main mod, and Control let's you compare things and adds some tricks for FPS that can't be done by ini file.
**How does FPS Fix work?**Spoiler:  ShowUsing Ray Reconstruction, I've noticed sometimes when getting into a car or starting a cut scene, FPS can suddenly drop by 30 or 40%, especially when using Cyberpunk 2.1x's path tracing. I'm not sure exactly the reason for this, but I found that sending the command to disable NRD resolves it. I suspect part (not all) of the NRD denoiser code pathway is getting activated inside the engine, you won't see NRD become active. I haven't been able to find exactly what triggers the problem, so what the FPS fix does is regularly disable NRD, so if the FPS drop does occur, it won't stay like that for more than a few seconds. It's only intended to be use with Ray Reconstruction.
**How does PT Turbo work?**Spoiler:  Show(Note, Turbo Mode is not related to the previous ReGIR Turbo mode). When using path tracing inside buildings, RTXDI requires spatial sampling to be enabled to prevent "black dots" and other types of noise (specifically from local lights). Howver local lights are rarely, if ever used outdoors, and similarly, spatial sampling is rarely if ever required outdoors, so it's a waste for the engine to have this enabled outdoors, but absolutely necessary indoors. To work around this PT Turbo Mode checks if you are indoors or outdoors, and dynamically disables spatial sampling outdoors, and re-enables it indoors. This has the result of restoring several (3–7) FG fps while outside, which can be significant in heavy areas like Dogtown.
**What does Rain Fix do?**Spoiler:  ShowIn Cyberpunk, particle FX are really raster FX, using environment probes so they look roughly accurate with the path traced scene. There is a switch (DLSSDSeparateParticleColor) which enables better integration of particle FX with PT, but it breaks rain — probably why CDPR aren't using it. What Rain Fix does, is dynamically enables the PT particle integration while it's not raining, OR while you're indoors, and disables it while it's raining and you're outdoors, so you get the benefit of more accurate/believable particle FX, but rain still works correctly.


  • Delete the ini file

  • Delete Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x86\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\UltraPlus

  • In some cases you may need to rename %LocalAppDataa%\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\UserSettings.json ... due to a bug changing raytracing/pathtracing settings via CET, the Cyberpunk's UI can be in a different state than what its actual settings are after using Ultra+ Control. Renaming UserSettings.json will resolve this (and if you have cloud sync enabled CP should re-download the correct settings)

Recommended mods

Here's the quality and immersion mods I use:

If you don't want to use Ultra+ but just want the translucency fix (bottles, windows, cabinets, etc.) you can use the FIXES ONLY version of Ultra+ or No More Milky Glass mod.

Reflections return is not required (it's been included in Ultra+ since 2.1 released)


  • Be careful with LOD and 4k texturemods especially on 4 to 12GB cards.

  • Ultra+ requires very specific settings to work properly and won't work with other PT or RT INI files.

  • Ultra+ increases LOD quality, and using both may hurt performance. sosuine's mods above seem to work well. However on my 8GB Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked leads performance degradation over time in CP 2.1. I believe this is due to a memory management issue in CP 2.1, or possibly a conflict between HD Reworked and 2.1 for low-VRAM cards.

  • Several people in Posts have mentioned this works well with Adaptive Pathtracing. This will only affect the PT20 version of Ultra+

  • Be aware Adaptive Graphics Quality, More Graphics Options, and Developer Tools can force-override the game's graphics settings and will break things if you're not expecting this.

My other mods

Hogwarts LegacyUltra Plus
Ultra Fog
Fairy Tale Lighting
Hary's Uber Lighting
Disable Vignette
Robocop: Rogue City
Ultra Plus
Cyberpunk 2077
Ultra Plus
Ultra Fog
*New Ultra Vignette
**Star Wars: Jedi Survivor**
Ultra Plus



While this mod is still in development, it's testers in Posts who make it possible. There's just no way I can test such a huge game by myself, so thank you to everyone who gives feedback, with special recognition to: