Vessel Custom Class - Unleash your contained power

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**Mod Overview:**Adaptation of Laserllama's Vessel Class homebrew into BG3
Attempts to implement the Vessel class as faithfully as possible to the best of my abilities and within Larian's engine restrictions. I recommend reading the original homebrew to see a more comprehensive explanation of the class mechanics.

I am open to suggestions / feedback about balancing or how to make it more faithful to the source

Currently Adds 6 Subclasses, With 9 Archon Forms, 19 Unsealed Aspects and 3 new custom spells

Class Overview:
Within every Vessel is bound an extraplanar being of strange and wondrous power. No matter their origin, these immortal Spirits cannot be killed by conventional means. Instead, they are often bound to mortal flesh, forced to dwell within a body on the material plane. While many such Spirits are bound to their Vessel against their will, some choose to dwell within a mortal, lending them power in causes that align with theirs. No matter the reason, these otherworldly beings are the source of the power for the adventurers known as Vessels.**Additions:**Base Class
Level 1:

  • Gain Iridescent Strike, an Unarmed attack that uses your charisma for attack and damage rolls and changes element based on your Subclass. They start as a d6, becoming a d8 at level 5 and a d10 at level 11
  • Unarmoured Defense (10 + Dexterity Modifier + Charisma Modifier)
  • Proficiencies:
  • Armour: Light Armour & Medium Armour
  • Saving Throws: Constitution & Charisma
  • Weapons: Simple, Flails, Morningstars, Scimitars, Shortswords, Tridents, Warpicks & Whips
  • Skills: Two out of - Acrobatics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth & Survival
  • Equipment:
  • Quarterstaff
  • Robe
  • Choose a Subclass
  • Gain 1 Unsealed Aspect

Level 2:

  • Gain access to Vessel Magic
  • Spell Save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
  • Spell Attack Modifier: your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
  • Your Vessel Spell Slots are replenished on a short rest
  • Gain 2 Level 1 Slots and Learn 2 Vessel Spells
  • Gain 1 Unsealed Aspect

Level 3:* Archon Form

  • Transform into a manifestation of the creature contained within yourself for 1 minute (10 turns)
  • Gain Temporary Hit Points equal to Vessel Class Level * 2
  • You keep access to any equipment, ability scores, hit points, and you can still cast Vessel magic.
  • Your Armour (Unarmoured or otherwise) is replaced by your Archon Form's Armour formula
  • You can transform once per short rest
  • If you have no uses you can expend a Vessel Spell Slot to transform again
  • Learn 1 Vessel Spell

Level 4:

  • Ability Score Improvement
  • Learn 1 Vessel Spell

Level 5:

Level 6:

  • Gain 1 Unsealed Aspect
  • Subclass Feature

Level 7:

  • Controlled Transformation
  • Your archon form now lasts 10 minutes (100 turns)
  • You gain an extra Archon Form charge, allowing you to transform twice without expending a Vessel Spell Slot
  • Learn 1 Vessel Spell

Level 8: Ability Score Improvement
Level 9:* Gain 1 Unsealed Aspect

  • Vessel Spell Slots become Level 3
  • Learn 1 Vessel Spell

Level 10:

  • Twin Consciousness
  • When you are forced to make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, or a Constitution saving throw to maintain your concentration on a Vessel spell, you can add your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1) to the result of your saving throw.
  • You can do so a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once) per long rest

Level 11: 

  • Unchained Power
  • When you transform into your archon form, you can cast a Vessel spell as part of the same bonus action without expending a spell slot
  • Gain Advantage on Concentration checks
  • Learn 1 Vessel Spell

Level 12:

  • Ability Score Improvement

  • Gain 1 Unsealed Aspect

When mortals attain heights of arcane power that allow them to ascend beyond their physical forms, they make themselves vulnerable to being sealed away. Often, these great sorcerers and archmages are punished by the deities of magic, and are imprisoned where they can no longer violate arcane laws.
Level 1: Ancient Knowledge (Gain bonus to INT checks equal to your charisma, Learn Prestidigitation cantrip, Iridescent Strikes deal Force damage)
Level 2: Learn Magic Missile & Shield
Level 3: Ascended Archon Form (Look in images for its stat block)
Level 5: Learn Detect Thoughts & Levitate
Level 6: Potent Magicks (Once per turn deal an extra d8 worth of damage with Vessel spells or Iridescent Strikes)
Level 9: Learn Motivational Speech & Counterspell

At the dawn of the multiverse, elemental forces ran wild. Great beings of pure Air, Earth, Fire, and Water ravaged through the material plane, shaping it to their frivolous and destructive will. These primordial elementals and elder genies were banished from the material plane, but are always seeking to return. When they threaten mortal realms, great forces bind these elder elemental beings to mortal hosts, holding back the Cataclysm for a time.
Level 1: Elemental Affinity (Choose an elemental type: Fire, Water(Cold), Earth(Bludgeoning) or Air(Thunder). You gain resistance to your chosen element, and your iridescent strikes deal your elemental damage and is magical. You gain the following cantrips dependent on your chosen element)

  • Fire: Control Flames
  • Water: Shape Water
  • Earth: Mold Earth
  • Air: Gust

**Level 2:**Learn Absorb Elements and an Elemental Affinity spell

  • Fire: Burning Hands
  • Water: Ice Knife
  • Earth: Grease
  • Air: Thunderwave

**Level 3:**Cataclysm (Element) Archon Form (Look in images for its stat block)
**Level 5:**Learn Enlarge/Reduce and an Elemental Affinity spell

  • Fire: Scorching Ray
  • Water: Snowball Storm
  • Earth: Spike Growth
  • Air: Shatter

**Level 6:**Elder Power (When you deal your elements damage you cannot roll below a 3, also you ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance to your elemental damage)
**Level 9:**Learn Fly & and an Elemental Affinity spell

  • Fire: Minute Meteors

  • Water: Sleet Storm

  • Earth: Erupting Earth

  • Air: Stinking Cloud

Condemned by the heavens for transgressions at the dawn of time, Cursed Spirits were once wielders of an overwhelming sinister power. Counted among these Spirits are the demons, devils, and all other nefarious spirits of the lower planes. To be considered one of the Cursed, the Spirit posed
a direct threat to the order of the multiverse, and were sealed to prevent untold calamity
Level 1: Malignant Aura (Gain proficiency in Deception or Intimidation, when you roll with either skill you cannot roll lower than an 8, your iridescent strikes deal Fire damage)
**Level 2:**Learn Cause Fear & Hellish Rebuke
**Level 3:**CursedArchon Form (Look in images for its stat block)
**Level 5:**Learn Flame Whip & Scorching Ray
Level 6:

  • Hellfire (When you deal fire damage, you ignore its resistance and treat its immunity as resistance)
  • Infernal Claws (Cast Levitate at will, Cannot roll lower than an 8 on Athletics checks)

**Level 9:**Learn Fireball & Vampiric Touch

Not all denizens of the upper planes serve the will of the gods that created them. Those who stray too far from the ordained purpose invoke divine wrath. These wayward celestial beings are branded as Fallen Spirits and hurled from the heavens to be imprisoned in mortals to atone for their sins. Some swear revenge upon the heavens while others seek reconciliation.
Level 1: 

  • Blades of Judgment (Gain Proficiency with Martial Weapons, Can empower Weapon attacks to count as Iridescent Strikes, by doing so you use charisma for attack and damage rolls, however you use the normal weapons damage dice, finally your Iridescent Strikes & Blades of Judgment attacks deal radiant damage)
  • Celestial Sight (Gain proficiency in Insight and you add your Charisma Modifier to Insight checks)

**Level 2:**Learn Guiding Bolt & Shield of Faith
**Level 3:**Fallen Archon Form (Look in images for its stat block)
**Level 5:**Learn Branding Smite & Spiritual Weapon
**Level 6:**Condemnation (When you deal radiant damage whilst in Archon form, your target is marked as Condemned until the end of your transformation, a condemned creatures movement speed is halved and your critical hit threshold whilst attacking this creature is reduced by 1)
**Level 9:**Learn Revivify & Spirit Shroud

Before the world was shaped, horrible things slithered about the darkness. Formless monsters with only one desire, to eat and consume anything they could. These shapeless creatures of hunger are known as Formless, and even now, they gnaw the roots of the world, trapped deep below the material plane.
Level 1: Amorphous Shape (Cast Gaseous form at will, Iridescent Strikes deal Acid damage and you gain resistance to Acid and Poison damage)
**Level 2:**Learn Caustic Brew & Entangle
**Level 3:**Formless Archon Form (Look in images for its stat block)
**Level 5:**Learn Ray of Enfeeblement & Web
**Level 6:**Consume Vitality (Learn the Grapple spell, when in Archon form you can use a bonus action on a grappled creature to make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 on a failure and increasing your temporary hp by half the damage dealt. At level 9 this damage becomes 3d8)
**Level 9:**Learn Life Transference & Slow

The beings of the Feywild are known for their whimsical and ephemeral ways, often unpredictable to mortals. Most of the faerie are content to follow these self-imposed rules and only interfere with mortals when they are approached. However, the Fey known as Tricksters cannot help but spread discord and need to be sealed away to limit the chaos they spread.
Level 1: Seeds of Chaos (Gain proficiency in Deception or Performance, when you roll with either skill you cannot roll lower than an 8, your iridescent strikes deal Psychic damage)
**Level 2:**Learn Charm Person & Disguise Self
**Level 3:**Trickster Archon Form (Look in images for its stat block)
**Level 5:*Learn Invisibility & Misty Step
Level 6:
Illusory Appearance (Can cast Disguise Self at will)

  • Illusory Strikes (Once per turn when you hit with an Iridescent Strike, you can create a copy of yourself within 30ft / 9m, the copy instantly makes an Iridescent Strike against an enemy in range and disappears - the range can be affected by Shimmering Lance & Dazzling Burst)

**Level 9:**Learn Hypnotic Pattern & Summon Shadowspawn

Script ExtenderImprovedUI
ImprovedUI Assets
5e Spells

I recommend installing using BG3MMKnown Bugs:* Archon Form: Some Cataclysm and Formless Animations (namely for spells) aren't present and can occasionally cause them to stand still for a short while until the spell casts. I may be able to remedy this in future

  • Unleashed Aspect: Iridescent Shield prompts regardless if it can affect the outcome of the attack

  • Existing Temporary HP cannot (currently) be increased

  • Some Damage Type Replacement (Such as Fallen - Blades of Judgment or Monk Unarmed Attacks) can cause the weapon functors to execute twice

Future Plans:* Better VFX / Animations


  • LaughingLeader, Norbyte, Lykon & ShinyHobo - For creating Modding Tools
  • Larian Discord server modding community - For any questions
  • Sumajin For their knowledge in recolouring VFX