Rapiers Rush Attack
This mod adds "Rush Attack" weapon skill on all rapiers from the game. It was achived by modifiyng base rapier's weapon stats configuration file, some of special rapiers was edited manually (which was overwriting spell list stat attribute). Normally should work with any other rapiers which was added by mod (again, if weapon spell list attrebuite not overwrited over the base), Please use it and give me know if you face with any issues or if you discover in-game rapier without this skill
Note: Mod might conflict with any other mod which changes Stats WPN_Rapier, MAG_TheDueller_Rapier and MAG_OfRupture_Rapier (low risk)
To install:
Simple install as other .pak mod,
To unsinsall:
Unsinstall as other .pak mod.
You can install or unistall this mod anytime without consequences.
Have fun :)