Potion Of Fiendish Ascension

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Another mod from your favorite potion maker! Have you ever wished that you could become the Ascended Fiend, even if you aren't a devil yourself? Have you ever defeated Raphael and thought, "Man, I deserve that cool transformation he gets"? Well, you do, and now you get it! With changes of course to actually make it good.

What It DoesThis mod adds a potion to the tutorial chest and Raphael's body that when consumed, adds Fiendish Ascension to the player. Due to the default polymorph kind of sucking, I built it from scratch. New spells, new attacks, and a separate healthbar from your own! Best of all, it's permanent until you dismiss it! What could be better than that? Don't answer that question.

Known Issues/BugsFor some reason you get 2 Soul Charges after you attack a creature and they don't go away until a Long Rest. Dismiss: Ascended Fiend doesn't have a casting animation. Nothing I can do about that boss, the Ascended Fiend has VERY few animations to work with.

If you're having issues with your hotbar resetting after dismissing the Ascended Fiend, use this mod to circumvent it.

CreditsAnxietyTheOrk - For getting me started on my modding journey and teaching me the basics
The Larian Discord - For inspiring me to continue making mods