Em's BG3 Templates and Tutorials
So, I've made a lot of hairs. A LOT. And creating the files for each and every one of them got old fast. So, I created a template for myself that hopefully makes the manual process as easy as possible. Using this method, setting up the files for a new hair mod takes me less than 5 minutes. I also have a simple tutorial that explains how to use the template. I hope it is helpful for someone!
BTW, Padme4000 has a cool mini-tool that can do the CharacterCreationAppearanceVisuals part for you. I've not used it (prefer to just do it the manual way), but someone else may find it helpful!
I've also added a New Skin Color Template, with Padme4000's help. It is well-commented and should hopefully make the process of creating your own skin colors near-effortless.
If you're confused about something, please drop by the Discord server and let me know. I can probably help!
Padme4000 - Amazing tutorials
ShinyHobo - Converter tool/LSLib Toolkit
Norbyte - BG3-Modders-Multitool
Down by the river Discord server - For being extremely welcoming, giving me great advice, and being my rubber duck <3 I love you guys!