Diamon's Mystic Manual - Ranger Subclasses

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Welcome to another page from the Shardmind Archivist's personal journal. Here Diamon has compiled a list of three subclasses of Ranger that it has observed in their adventures. Here is the run-down:

Scoped Eyes - Weapon ranges are doubled
Stationary Effectiveness - An action with no use costs, can only be used if you have not moved and reduces your movement to 0 when used. Provides +4 to Ranged Attack Rolls for that turn.

Level 7
Recalibrated Weapons - Ranged Attacks against creatures within 50ft deal an extra die of damage.
Covering Fire - You gain +2 to your initiative and perception rolls. Also attacks against creatures that are within 20ft of an ally have advantage on them.

Level 11
Rain of Fire - When you attack a creature with a ranged weapon, it is marked untill the start of your next turn. marked creatures have a -2 penalty to their attack rolls and spellsave DC's.

Silent DefenderLevel 3
Alter Ego - You gain special disguise kit that you use to cast Disguise Self at will to become your hero or villainous alter ego. You gain advantage on Intimidation checks while disguised as your Alter Ego. (For fun roleplay using this subclass, your camp clothes are your normal civilian self and the armor slots are your Alter Ego costume.)
Lone Stalker - When you are not within 40ft of an ally, you have advantage on attack rolls.

Level 7
Notorious - You gain proficiency in Intimidation, Persuasion, Insight and Deception checks and you gain Expertise in two of these skills.
Evasion - When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Level 11
Targeted Offense - As a bonus action when in your Alter Ego you can point out a creature, this creature knows your Alter Ego and is now Scared Shitless of it for 1 minute as long as the creature is not immune to being frightened. You deal 2d10 points of psychic damage on attack rolls made against creatures frightened in this way. Creatures that are Scared Shitless are frightened and also cannot take any actions or reactions.

Guardian of NatureLevel 3
Nature's Acolyte - You gain Expertise in Animal Handling and Nature skills and can choose between two extra Favoured Enemy's:
Humanoid Hunter: Proficiency in Athletics and you can cast compelled duel once per long rest.
Aberration Annihilator: Proficiency in Intimidation and you learn the Eldritch Blast cantrip.

Level 7
Nature's Boon - As a bonus action you can infuse your weapon with radiant damage equal to half your Ranger level until the end of your turn.

Level 11
Living With The World - You now gain Resistance to Necrotic, Psychic, Poison and Acid damage.

For Instillation, use BG3 Mod manger