Crest of the Dawnmaster - Legendary artifact

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The holy artifact of Lathander's Dawnmasters

Make the Abbot Crest an actual wearable Legendary amulet with some passives and spells that were bestowed upon Lathander's Dawnmasters.

Crest of the Dawnmaster

  • Resurgence: Once per Long Rest, when you suffer a fatal blow, you are Resurrected in a 18m healing surge that grants you and all allies in the vicinity 1d12 hit points.
  • Resurrection: You are brought back to life. Regain an amount of hit points equals to your Proficiency Bonus multiplied by your character level, then restart your turn with full action resources.
  • Dawn's Splendor: Radiates holy energy in a 6m radius. In combat, nearby fiends and undead are Blinded, unless they succeed a Constitution Saving Throw.

Can be found in Tutorial chest or Aaron

My BG3 mods:
Celestial Deva Gear
Hermit Crab - Pocket Pet
Calladuran's Holy Symbol - Legendary Ring
Abbot Crest - Legendary artifact of Lathander's Dawnmasters
Clemency - Longsword with extra attack
Improved Ne'er Misser (and Firestoker)Legendary Lute of the Merryweather BardLegendary Cape of the Red Prince