Armoury - Equipment of the Githyanki Commanders

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Full visuals are available only for Githyanki, other races have generic Githyanki armour visuals. I apologise for this, i simply could not muster the effort to find the mesh UUIDs for all of the other races when most people using this will be using Gith characters.

UPDATE: I fixed the handwraps not appearing on the female Ch'r'ai gauntlets, added in all of the circlets, and made the items drop from their respective warriors rather than be sold by the merchant

The sets are dropped by the warriors who their visuals are taken from:
Ch'r'ai Tska'an drops her armour
Ch'r'ai Har'rak drops her armour
Ch'r'ai W'wargaz drops his armour
Kith'rak Therezzyn drops her armour

Kith'rak Voss' armour is purchased from A'jak'nir Jeera, since you never kill him in-game as far as i am aware

They are also available in the tutorial chest by default alongside the basic githyanki half-plate, boots and bracers

I would highly recommend these two mods by Syrchalis to improve the immersiveness of the tutorial chest:

Check out IOCentric's Githyanki Armoury mod! its really cool and adds a new githyanki shield mesh, which is really well made:

Credit to StuddMuffinn in the Larian Discord for teaching me how to make new npc treasure tables

The items are very powerful, balanced according to the standards of Act 3 armours. I will not be nerfing them, I made them expensive to compensate.

Please check out my other mods! I put lots of effort into them