Araj's Armor

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**Update 6 JAN 2024: Added less OP version, should also be in Araj's store. Did some file organizing. Please report any issues!

This mod may remove the smoke effects for you Less Annoying Magical Effects- I have no idea how to make it go away lol**
Update to include a camp clothes version, also in the tutorial chest.

The shoulders on the Drow armor are ridiculous so I added Araj's to the Tutorial Chest
If you like, use this code to add it directly into your current character's inventory:

TemplateAddTo("ef2bb842-f598-408f-a399-c3784e4ca72d", GetHostCharacter(), 1)
I threw on a few stats, but I have zero Idea if it's balanced or not. I cheese my way through everything on normal mode lol

Install with BG3MM/Vortex

Thank legend0fthefall for this tutorial. It took time, effort, and lots of bodies, but I was able to work it out.

Let me know if anything is borked or if you have suggestions for different stats :)

Check out my Daedric hand tattoos and body art replacers!