Alternate Horns for All

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*except Dragonborn.
This mod aims to port over a select few of my custom edited horns from my mod
 Alternate Horns for Tieflings 
and make them available to all other races!*
Humans, Elves, Drow, Half-Elves/Drow, Githyanki, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, and Half-Orcs!

Why only a select few horns and not all?- Well, quite simply, there's already a mod that has converted most vanilla/in-game horns to other races, including horns I've edited for Alternate Horns for Tieflings! So converting those horns again would just be redundant!!

 I'm only converting horn shapes I've made extensive or personal edits to!

What mod am I talking about?- I'm talking about Half-Tiefs (Tiefling Horns and Tail for All)!

Half-Tiefs is pretty much mandatory for full functionality of this mod in Character Creation!

Why is it mandatory?
- Since I'm not very experienced with all the ins and outs of modding BG3 yet, the hornless option and horn color selection isn't accessible without the work labotor has done for Half-Tiefs!

So until I learn how to implement that stuff on my own, I'm making this mod require Half-Tiefs! 
(which also means you should grab all the mods Half-Tiefs requires to work!) 

But I mean, since you're already here adding horns to other races anyways, why wouldn't you want all the extra customization goodness labotor has already provided in their mod!?

If using the Half-Dragon mod, make sure to grab the compatibility patch for 'Alt Horns for All' from
Half-Dragon CC PatchesIf using the Half-Angel mod, make sure to grab the compatibility patch for 'Alt Horns for All' from
Half-Angel - CC Patches

I'm not sure how compatible this mod is with other CC mods
If there's any issues please report them here and have patience while I look into them

Known "Issues":
The method used for converting these horns for all races means that the size and placement of horns may not always be optimal.
These most likely won't be addressed as that would require a ton of reworking on individual models.
Just know that I've personally looked at each horn on each race and deemed them acceptable!

Install '.pak' file using the BG3 Mod Manager

To install an optional gilded horns color:
-Choose one of the color folders provided
-Drop that color's modded 'Generated' folder inside of your 'Data' folder wherever your game is installed.

*example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\Data*

-You're done!
This will overwrite the Gold texture seen on the gilded horns to the color you chose!

To everyone involved in the BG3 Modding Wiki for all the guides, tools and resources
labotor for the work they put into Half-Tiefs and for teaching me how to convert these horns for all other racesBugattiXxXEchelon for the time and work making this mod compatible with the Half-Dragon and Half-Angel mods