Alternate Comfortable Outfit

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When the Comfortable Ashmeadow, Autumnal, or Blue-Red Outfits are equipped by a character using body types 1 or 3, you get a frilly shirt and bodice instead of the full-length doublet seen on body types 2 and 4. The doublet exists for these body types and is used by NPCs (the tiefling reporter in Rivington, for example), but for some reason not on any player-accessible clothing.

So, this mod adds three new camp clothing items to the game. They can be found anywhere that would normally sell middle-class clothes, but I've also specifically added them to Arron (Act 1), Quartermaster Talli (Act 2), and Carmen Pennygood (Act 3), just in case you want a guaranteed location for all three.

You can tell them apart from the vanilla outfits by checking the name: the vanilla versions are Comfortable Outfits, whereas the modded versions are Comfortable Doublets. The outfits will look identical to vanilla if worn by body type 2 or 4; they only look different on body type 1 or 3.

**See Also:
**Alternate Splendid Outfit