Seven Deadly Ascended
Seven Deadly Ascended (SDA) brings a whole new experience to the ARK world. Hunt down dino's who've become possessed by the seven deadly sins; Greed, Envy, Sloth, Pride, Gluttony, Lust, and Wrath, as well as the ultimate of Good and Evil: The Awakened and the Lamented!
Collect the blood of each of your vanquished enemies, refine it with your alchemical knowledge, and consume the essence to become the embodiment of Sin, transforming into the Dino of your choosing! Take the land, sea, and skies by storm!
Note: Seven Deadly Ascended is designed to be played on the standard difficulty level of 5. Increasing this difficulty will dramatically altar the challenge of progress, so it is strongly advised to play on difficulty level 5. The choice, however, is yours.
Each Sin is represented by both a color and difficulty, progressively more difficult to kill as you play.
Gluttony is represented by the color orange and has a stat multiplier of 1.5x. When transformed, your level will be 225 on the standard difficulty level five.
Lust is represented by the color pink and has a stat multiplier of 2x. When transformed, your level will be 300 on the standard difficulty level five.
Greed is represented by the color yellow and has a stat multiplier of 3x. When transformed, your level will be 450 on the standard difficulty level five.
Sloth is represented by the color blue and has a stat multiplier of 5x. When transformed, your level will be 450 on the standard difficulty level five.
Envy is represented by the color green and has a stat multiplier of 8x. When transformed, your level will be 450 on the standard difficulty level five.
Pride is represented by the color purple and has a stat multiplier of 15x. When transformed, your level will be 450 on the standard difficulty level five.
Wrath is represented by the color red and has a stat multiplier of 20x. When transformed, your level will be 450 on the standard difficulty level five.
Seven Deadly Ascended also plays host to two additional tiers of Dino's. These two tiers are substantially more difficult than even Wrath, with a stat multiplier of 23x and 25x - but also a standard level of 750 when transformed!
The Lamented are the representation of all evil incarnate. Ascending from the depths of Hell itself, your strength will be tested when facing these monstrosities. Do not underestimate the Lamented; it may very well be the last thing you do.
The Lamented are represented by their dark, cosmic skin, and have a stat multiplier of 23x. When transformed, your level will be 750 on the standard difficulty level five.
The Lamented also have the ability to teleport a short distance in your targeted direction. Holding the Smite button (F3 for Keyboard, L2 button for Controller) will display the target. Releasing the button will teleport you to the target.
The Awakened are the polar opposite of the Lamented; they are manifestations of all the good in the world. They have been sent with a mission; destroy the Lamented and send them back where they belong. However, they will stop for nothing and no one to complete this task. Their intentions may be honorable and holy, but their minds are still filled with rage. Taking on the Awakened will require a small army, or for you to dig deep and conjure the evil within by transforming into the Lamented.
The Awakened are represented by their bright, white color, and have a stat multiplier of 25x. When transformed, your level will be 750 on the standard difficulty level five.
The Awakened also have the ability to Smite their enemies. Holding the Smite button (F3 for Keyboard, L2 button for Controller) will display the target. Releasing the button will call down the fires of heaven, damaging enemies in a radius around the target.
Gameplay Settings
Seven Deadly Ascended does not have any .ini options, as all standard options will affect the dinos in the mod.
Seven Deadly Ascended Dino's are not tameable. Wild SDA Dino's are there for hunting and gathering the blood necessary to transform into the Dino of your choice.
Interaction with other Modded Dino's
Because SDA affects a percentage of wild Dino's on the map, there is a strong possibility that playing with other modded Dino's will yield strange, and possibly incredibly dangerous, results. Keep this in mind when deciding to add other Dino mods to a server with SDA.
Current List of Transformable Dino's
Ankylosaurus Argentavis Basilosaurus Doedicurus Giganotosaurus Ichthyosaur Manta Mosasaurus Pteranodon Rhyniognatha Tusotuethis Wyvern (Lamented Fire, Awakened Lightning) Yutyrannus
As more Dino's are added to the game, more Dino's will be come transformable - every dino is possible!
If you have questions, suggestions, or would like more information, please feel free to join my Discord..