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1.16+: Jade is a fork of HWYLA that includes many additional features and bug fixes. Which means it is incompatible with Hwyla (because it has included it)

1.15-: Jade is a collection of HWYLA addons that enhance the using experience

See what bugs has been fixed by Jade

This is a Client-Only mod. But some features may require Jade to be installed server-side to activate

Also try Jade Addons (Forge) / Jade Addons (Fabric)!


Open Config - numpad 0

Toggle Overlay - numpad 1

Toggle Liquid - numpad 2

Show Recipes - numpad 3 (requires JEI or REI)

Show Uses - numpad 4 (requires JEI or REI)

Request more details from server - Shift

Features (outdated)

Item Handlers - Show items inside item handlers (chests, hoppers, ender chests...)

Breaking Progress - Show block breaking progress as a small progress bar

Brewing Stand - Show fuels and process time

Mob Effects - Show what potion effects the mob has

Entity Growth - Show growing time and breeding cooldown of animals

Horse stats - Jump height and speed of horses, mules and donkeys, even strength of llamas

Item Frame - Show item in item frame

Hide Mod Names - Hide mod name in tooltip (Disabled by default)

Beehive - Show bees and honey in beehive

Armor Stand - Show armors on armor stand

Chicken Egg - Show time before next egg

Command Block - Show command line

Trapped Chest - Hide as normal chest

TNT - Show stability

Note Block - Show pitch and instrument

Painting - Show painting name

Accurate Block Name - Shows "Potted Cactus" rather than "Cactus"

Misc - Show boat, end crystal, armor stand and more

For modders - Additional tooltip renderers

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